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Category: Coaching

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Discovering Self-Growth Through Adlerian Psychology: Insights from ‘The Courage to Be Disliked’

Discover the groundbreaking principles of Adlerian Psychology through Ichiro Kishimi’s ‘The Courage to Be Disliked’. Learn how personal choice, self-acceptance, and a new perspective on past experiences can empower your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. This insightful analysis offers practical tools for anyone aspiring to a life of purpose and happiness.

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Embracing Change: Overcoming the Sunk Cost Fallacy for a Brighter Future

Explore effective strategies to overcome the sunk cost fallacy and make decisions that align with your current aspirations and future goals. This comprehensive guide provides insights into embracing change, adapting to new opportunities, and prioritizing personal and professional growth.

Achieve Your New Year’s Goals with the GROW Model

Embark on a journey of self-improvement this new year with the GROW model, a straightforward yet powerful framework for setting and realizing your goals. Developed by coaching expert John Whitmore, the GROW model guides you through Goal setting, assessing Reality, exploring Options, and committing to Will. Whether it’s personal or professional growth, this blog post will show you how to apply this transformative approach to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality

Choosing Your Coaching Session Focus: A Guided Approach

Maximize your coaching sessions with our guide on determining focus. Dive into introspection, align with goals, and tap into your intuition for clearer, more productive outcomes with your coach.

Executive Coaching vs. Life Coaching: What’s the Difference?

Explore the nuances between executive and life coaching. Executive coaching emphasizes business leadership and outcomes, while life coaching delves into personal beliefs and broader milestones. Success in either stems from aligning with the right coach for your objectives.

360-Degree Feedback: A Holistic Approach to Performance Appraisal

Gain insights from supervisors, peers, direct reports, and external sources for a comprehensive view of competencies and growth opportunities. Enhance your team’s performance with this holistic approach to professional development.